Back from Vacation
We had a fantastic time in Buffalo, and we really, really didn't want to leave. This was the first time we have been there since we decided to make the big move back. Darling fiance had two really good interviews--so the job prospects look decent even if the pay is markedly less than it is here in DC. We were expecting him to make less money, just not soooooo much less. We're both a bit nervous about this, but we (well mostly he) have managed to accumulate a decent sized nest egg to see us through any really tough spots. Plus we won't be paying full-time daycare or much rent.We also set a date for the wedding and put down a deposit. Sunday May 28, 2006!!!! It is the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend so it will be easier for out-of-town guests to travel and we can still take advantage of a lower rate for the reception and less competition for other services. YEAH!!!! I am really excited and overwhelmed, it's really happening. This is where we are getting married outside in the garden.

So now I feel like I can really start planning and narrowing down my choices for everyhing else--flowers, dresses, favors, decorations, music, tuxes, colors, etc.
The best part of the trip to Buffalo was hanging out and playing in my mom's back yard. She has a beautiful garden and every evening we would sit on her porch swing and chat and drink and play ball or tag with Angel babe. I think being able to go directly outside in our barefeet whenever we want is going to vastly improve our health. Darling fiance is getting more and more comfortable everyday with the idea of living in Buffalo. He even bought skis while we were there and started aying attention to street names and directions.
One thing left to do---pack!
Hey girl, congrats on picking a date! I'm so excited for you! I have to pack too...sigh, SO not looking forward to it!
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